Monday, March 14, 2011

Substitute Eczema Treatment options - Five Fantastic Natural remedies for Your Itchy Eczema

Lots of people are not aware of the numerous alternative eczema treatments. The amazing thing is that these treatments work as efficiently, if not even better, than conventional ones. In this informative article, you will learn about these cures and how beneficial they could be in taming the itchy flare up. if you are tired of using over-the-counter medications, then here’s the list of your great alternatives.

Borage Oil

One of the reasons why eczema appears is because the person has a metabolic block which obstructs the body’s natural ability to produce Gamma-Linolenic Acid or GLA. GLA is found in borage oil and is significant for the body not just because it supports normal growth and development but because it also lessens inflammation. As you already know, eczema is often characterized by itchy and swollen rashes.


It has long been found that teas including green tea, black tea, and oolong tea can all help deal with allergic reactions which bring on eczema. In a study, it has been concluded that drinking a liter of tea every day can help improve a patient’s skin condition in as fast as two weeks.Substitute Eczema Remedies


Acupuncture is also another form of alternative eczema treatments. The procedure involves an acupuncturist inserting very thin needles in certain points of the body which are believed to be related to the appearance of eczema. This method is an ancient form of medicine and is said to be very effective in calming inflammation and lessening the severity of itchiness and tenderness of the skin due to the condition. Folks who have tried acupuncture can attest to the effectiveness of the process. Although the use of needles may sound painful, it is not truly so when undergoing the procedure. Aside from the needles being very thin, the acupuncturist also has a specific way of handling the needles so they will not hurt your skin.


One of the main triggers of eczema is stress so any method which is designed to reduce stress and tension can indirectly help in dealing with the skin condition. One of these stress-relieving methods is aromatherapy. The good thing is you won’t even have to buy fancy gadget for this therapy. By simply putting a drop of water infused with chamomile or lavender extract onto your pillow before you sleep, you can already help relieve all the anxiety and stress of your day.

Other Relaxation Techniques

There are other techniques for relaxation which can alleviate the symptoms of eczema. For example, you could opt to learn about meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, guided imagery, and the likes. All these methods can work in easing the pressure and stress that you may be under. Get to know about them and decide which one you think would best suit your personality and circumstances.

These are five fantastic alternative eczema treatments. They are easy and affordable so there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t give them a try. If you have been wondering what to replace your topical treatment with, or use something to increase its effectiveness, remember these alternative methods. You’ll never know, relief could be just within reach.

Do you want to discover great and effective techniques you can use to naturally do away with your eczema skin condition? If yes, then you should get a copy of the Beat Eczema Guide!

Click on this link ==> Beat Eczema Guide, to find out more about this natural eczema treatment system and see how it has assisted tens of thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Advice For Curing Eczema - Do-it-Yourself Remedies To Cure Eczema

curing eczema may be a rather tedious process for those who do not know exactly what this skin problem is all about. Before you can find the right cure, you might first need to understand the ailment. Eczema is basically a skin problem that can actually be caused by a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons for this skin problem is heredity. This means that you inherit this problem from your parents. This also means that this problem is not contagious.

While getting rid of eczema could be easily done with the help of a number of over-the-counter remedies, some people find that making their own home-made cures actually work better for them. Here are some of the remedies you could try to make from home without even needing to venture beyond your front yard.

- Cold compresses are known to help ease the itch that comes with this skin problem and since scratching the infected area can actually aggravate the situation, finding methods to ease the itch may help reduce the chances of aggravation. Simply get yourself a clean, small towel and soak this in icy, cold water. Squeeze out the excess water and apply onto the infected area to help relieve the itching there.

-Another treatment you can use is one that involves the use of coconut oil. Since eczema usually worsens with dry skin, it is then but natural that keeping skin supple and moist can actually help you reduce your flare-ups and symptoms. If you can get your hands on virgin coconut oil instead of just ordinary coconut oil, all the better.

-Aloe vera is also an excellent remedy for eczema. Not only does this plant have proeprties that help keep your skin moist enough to keep the flakes away, it also has soothing properties that help ease the itchiness that comes with this ailment. While there are aloe vera gels available in the market today, you could actually opt to use the all-natural version of this treatment. All this requires is for you to split open an aloe vera leaf and to apply the sticky gel that is found within to the infected area of your skin.

-Shea butter is also a home remedy you could use for this problem. If you do not have shea butter at home, you could easily find it on many online health stores. you ought to ensure that that you are not allergic to nuts when you decide to use this type of home remedy. You should also avoid using this remedy if your type of eczema brings with it a hot, itchy outbreak.

-If you have fresh nutmeg in your cupboard, you could also use this as a natural treatment for eczema. Simply grate some nutmeg and add a few drops of water to the powder to form a fine paste. Apply this onto the infected area.

All of these home made remedies might help ease the problem of eczema. While there is really no sure method for curing eczema problems, lots of people have found that using remedies that help ease the symptoms helps a lot.

Do you wish to discover remarkable techniques you could use to naturally do away with your eczema skin condition? If yes, then you might want to download a copy of the Beat Eczema Program!

Click on this link ==> Beat Eczema Guide, to find out more about this natural eczema treatment system and see how it has helped tens of thousands of eczema-sufferers, just like you, round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Related Articles: Advice For Curing Eczema

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Natural remedies for Eczema - Ways to Treat And Treat Those Bad Eczema Itches

Have you ever wondered what the natural remedies for eczema are? Well, you are not alone; every person who has come across this malady has their own story to tell. it is a skin disease that may take hold of any person, regardless of gender and age.

This means that you are a candidate for contracting eczema. its characterized by flaking or scaling of the skin accompanied by some inflammation. Worse, it can also exhibit some blisters that leak and eventually turn into crust. Nonetheless, the worst characteristic of this skin disease is itchiness. For this reason, finding natural remedies for eczema can help you deal with the problem right away.

The very first thing you can do is to review your diet plan. Does your diet consist of dairy products and other food items like nuts and seafood? This could trigger eczema, so be sure to check off these items from your grocery list.

There is always some truth in the old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Following this, eliminating items which may carry allergens is an efficient thing also. Some common items that your skin can be exposed to like perfumes, detergents and creams may cause flare ups, so be cautious of these things as well.

it's said that you should always have your skin moisturized; if you’ve had some episodes with eczema, choose a moisturizer that may best fit your skin type. If you do not have any adverse reaction to your chosen moisturizer, then stick to that brand instead of brand-hopping some more. Another way which you can do is to keep the air in your house suitable for you.

Buy a humidifier and see how it may work wonders for you. if you are fond of sunbathing, then now is the time to quit. It has been shown that eczema might be triggered immediately by heat. You may also try to do some de-stressing activities. When the body is stressed, its like a machine that is not in its best condition; therefore, if you practice some stress-relieving activities like yoga or pilates, such could help reduce or avoid the sudden appearance of eczema.

Finally, when eczema is already attacking your skin, do take some Vitamin C at least 2 times a day. This vitamin is very good at reducing inflammation and stimulating the growth of new skin cells for complete healing.

One of the most advised natural cures for eczema is Vitamin E. When you use vitamin E though cut the dose in half when given to children. This type of vitamin is terrific for skin healing and helps fight oxidation of essential fatty acids that are needed by the body. It will also be helpful if you take in supplements that contain essential fatty acids like Omega 3, 6 and 9. Doing so will greatly affect your ability to heal up from eczema and will essentially develop your immune system to deal with this type of problem efficiently.

Do you wish to discover some really amazing techniques you could use to naturally treat your eczema? If yes, then you really need to download a copy of the Beat Eczema E-book!

Click on this link ==> Beat Eczema Guide, to read more about this natural eczema treatment system and see how it has assisted thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beat Eczema – Simple methods to Prevent Eczema Flare Ups

Every patient wants to beat eczema but not many are aware of some of the simple things you can do to deal with the problem effectively and efficiently. We are so used to turning to medication immediately when we feel something is going wrong. But sometimes, the real cure is within us or in the ordinary things that we can tweak to drive illnesses away. The same might be said of eczema. You can beat eczema if you follow these few simple tricks that have helped millions deal with this problem once and for all.

Our skin is the biggest organ in our body in terms of surface area. it is very sensitive to changes, and that is why when you feel stressed the skin will also react to this and the same will also trigger the appearance of eczema. So a good way to prevent that's to fight stress head on.

you can turn to an activity which will soothe your body’s system like aromatherapy or a relaxing massage so that your mind will wander and think of the many good things you have been missing. If you wish to overcome eczema, you have to take good care of your body first because it is your body that may eventually have to heal when eczema strikes.

it's also good advice to wear a specific material that allows breathing of the skin. Cotton is the best in this area and most experts advise this. Change your wardrobe to something that is made up of cotton and other natural fibers. Not only will your skin breathe happily but you will also feel good wearing clothes made of cotton and other skin-friendly materials.

The next thing you can do to beat eczema is make your own special bath to cure eczema. Run some warm water in your clean tub and place some baking soda over it. ensure that the baking soda is directly in contact with the gushing warm water.

Note as well that it should be warm, not boiling hot or too hot because that will affect the healing properties of the other substances you will put into the bath. The other substances referred to are 5 drops each of Lemon, Geranium and Chamomile essential oils.

These oils are topnotch when it comes to making you feel fresh and relaxed. When all these are mixed into the bath, you could soak in the tub for a good 30 minutes or so. After this, you will notice how relieved your skin is. Quickly rinse off with cool water and you are good as new.

Lastly, you have to be supplementing with essential fatty acids like Omega 3,6 and 9. These are substances that contain amazing properties when it comes to healing your skin when eczema appears. A daily dose of Vitamin C and E will also have the same effect and will prevent unnecessary inflammation during the eczema attack. Try any one of these tips and be freed from the clutches of this troublesome illness.

Do you want to discover very astonishing techniques you could use to naturally get rid of your ugly eczema? If yes, then I will advise download a copy of the Beat Eczema Ebook!

Click on this link ==> Beat Eczema Guide, to read more about this natural eczema treatment program and see how it has assisted 1000s of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Herbs for Eczema – How This Natural Remedy Can Be the Solution You Need to Treat Your Eczema Skin Disorder

curing eczema is not limited to medications prescribed by your dermatologist or those commonly bought over the counter. You will find that most of the time, this skin disorder responds best to natural cures. Herbs for eczema are a natural cure that can be the solution you need to free yourself from the skin disorder.

Herbal eczema treatment is considered to be more effective as the treatment works with your body to fight bacterial and viral infections that worsen the skin disorder. it is also the treatment that may give you a permanent solution to your skin problem especially with mild to moderate eczema. You see, chronic and severe eczema may not yet have a permanent cure but with herbal treatment you could effective control and relieve all the symptoms of the skin disorder.

These are some of the herbs for eczema that are proven to work effectively:

• Margosa leaves or Neem cleanse the skin to prevent the formation of bacteria and virus-causing infection. The leaves can likewise detoxify the body from harmful substances which could aggravate your eczema. Form a paste from the leaves and apply directly to the affected skin.

• Rosemary oil cleanses and moisturizes the skin. It prevents the skin from drying and therefore stops the skin infection from flourishing and growing. Pour a few drops of rosemary oil into your bath tub to start experiencing the benefits of hydrated skin.

• Turmeric works as an antiseptic for faster healing of the skin infection. this is most effective when your eczema begins to form blisters and red patches of crusts. Boil turmeric in hot water and let it cool for a while. Apply the solution directly to the affected area to speed up healing and prevent further spread of the infection.

• Aloe Vera is known to be an effective herb to address skin inflammation and soothe itchy skin. you could apply the aloe vera gel directly to where the eczema is and you’ll see how the herb can soothe you from the common symptoms of eczema.

• Chamomile is proven to work effectively in soothing the skin from itchiness and swelling. you can drink the herb as tea so it works from within the body. its one of the more popular herbal treatments for eczema.

There are several other herbs that you could use as natural cure to fight the skin infection and control eczema from spreading within your body. These herbs are safe to use and will not bring any adverse effect on your skin and health. They are also economical as you can prepare the herbal solution yourself if you wish.

Along with the use of these herbs for eczema, you should also make it a point to cleanse your body and maintain a good natural skin care regimen. To maximize the benefits from these natural cures, you have to strengthen your immune system as you need it as a natural defense against skin infections, like eczema, and all other diseases.

Do you want to discover some outstanding techniques you could use to naturally treat your eczema? If you answered; YES, then you might want to download a copy of the Beat Eczema Guide!

Click here: Beat Eczema, to find out more about this natural eczema cure system and see how it has helped thousands of eczema-sufferers, just like you, round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Eczema Skincare – Your Easy-to-Follow Natural Skin Care Treatment to Eliminate Eczema

Eczema is one of the most dreaded skin problems that no one wants to have. Although this skin disorder is not contagious, it can cause embarrassment to a person suffering from the skin problem. There are many treatments available but often these treatments only address the symptoms of the disorder with short-term relief. Here’s an easy to follow eczema skin care treatment which will successfully cure the skin problem and all its symptoms gone forever.

Keep Your Skin Clean and Healthy
The most basic skin care treatment of all but perhaps the most powerful to prevent skin infections from eczema is to keep the skin clean and healthy. it's important that you observe the right skin care regimens; overdoing the cleansing may also be harmful to the skin.

In cleansing your skin, especially the areas prone to eczema, you must cleanse it with lukewarm water and gentle soap without harmful ingredients which might irritate your skin. you could use herbal solution to cleanse the affected area such as applying Margosa paste topically to heal the infection fast.

Keeping your skin healthy is essential. you can do this in lots of ways. Internally, you could keep your skin healthy by nourishing it with the proper diet rich in essential nutrients and vitamins like A, C, and E. Externally, you need to hydrate your skin as part of your eczema skin care to prevent it from drying. Dry skin is an environment that is favorable to eczema.

Strengthen Your Immune System
You immune system is your body’s natural defense against eczema skin infection. When your immune system is strong, the bacteria or viruses present in eczema weaken. you can therefore easily defeat eczema by boosting your immune system.

to increase your immune system, one of the perfect ways is to supply your body with all the nutrients it needs. Some of these nutrients that are effective in defeating eczema are omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamins A, C, and E.
you can get these nutrients from the foods that you eat particularly fruits. You must also be aware that there are certain foods you need to avoid as these can trigger eczema. You must also know what foods you are allergic to prevent the skin infection.

Strengthening your immune system should form part of your eczema skin care to nourish your skin from the inside. Your skin is the largest organ of your body working synergistically with other organs. Nourishing your skin from the inside can greatly help in getting clear skin free from eczema.

it's highly recommended to go natural in your eczema skin care treatment. The use of natural ingredients and solution to your skin care can prevent any allergic reaction to the chemical ingredients commonly found in cosmetics and skin care products in the market. If you decide to use skin care products that are readily available, be sure to choose those that are as natural as possible.

Observe your easy-to-follow natural eczema skin care treatment faithfully as this is the solution which will effectively solve your skin problem.

Do you want to discover some incredible techniques you can use to naturally do away with your eczema skin condition? If you answered; YES, then you really need to download a copy of the Beat Eczema E-book!

Click on this link ==> Beat Eczema, to read more about this natural eczema cure program and see how it has helped 1000s of eczema-sufferers, just like you, round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.